
By KateH

Carnaby colour

Came up to London before the rain started, it was in fact a rather nice day,  and dropped smart trousers off to be cleaned and moth-mended at the special dry cleaners.  Dropped into Liberty to get a new earring for the ear piercing that’s been giving me trouble for months.  It’s finally ok but I didn’t have an earring for it that I could sleep in so I used my voucher and got one fitted.  

I brought lunch up from home and ate it on the bench outside Liberty’s watching the people go by before going into Flying Colour Company to start the process of trying to pull out some of the costs we’ve incurred on the show.  We have a lot more to lose!  Still it was nice sitting in the work room above Carnaby Street making decisions.  This is the view from there  looking down the street at the remaining Christmas decorations. 

Then the rain started, not so bad in London but torrential in many parts of the country.  My train home was half an hour late as the line was flooded at Milford but Vikram, driving back from Tonbridge, was diverted down a country lane and drove straight into a massive flood and got completely stuck. The A272 was closed but I made it home via Sussex Rd and South Harting and was changing, preparing to go back out to help when he walked in with helpful man who had pulled him out with his 4 x 4.  They had to abandon the car but they got him home.  I think the man was out looking to help but also to earn a bit of cash so we happily paid up! 

By this time it was 10pm so there was little to do but wind down a bit and then go to bed.  

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