Another shot of Audrey and her "dada". She treats him like a celebrity when he's home. It is so cute. We had brunch on Beech Rd and he only went into the cafe to pay this morning and she went crawling after him screaming, "DA-DA, DA-DA". The whole place turned round and cooed.

After spending a few hours as a family in the park, I managed to have a big clothes sort while Audrey was down for her nap. Another huge pile for eBay.

Then packed up the pram and went on one of my biggest walks yet. Through the nature reserve, over the bridge at Jackson's Boat, into Sale town centre and then back up Bridgewater Canal via Stretford. Over 10km at least.

Took Audrey's tea and fed her en route but she was not best pleased to be stuck in the pram for over two hours. Hadn't given her anything for teething so that could have been why. She was tetchy again today.

Wondered how long these teething nightmares last so did a bit of research online tonight. Wish I hadn't bothered. The answer? Two years. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

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