I wonder?

Everything seems to take much longer to accomplish when one is older. However I did get quite a lot ticked off the list despite all.

1. Quite a lot of spit had to be packaged and sent off to Ancestry DNA - I wonder if it will be all Scottish Borders or if the reputed gypsy and Hindustani show up. (Luke’s dad was 1% Neanderthal so anything is possible).

2. U3A talk prep completed and images sent to Geoff.

3. Recipes hunted out and shopping list done for entertaining twice next week.

4. Tickets for Cosi Fan Tutti bought.

5. 3.75 mile walk up through the woods and across the moor to Physic Lane and back via Pennystane Lane and hone just before dark.

6. Researched eating places for when Jenny visits.

7. Prepared a sauce of left over mascarpone and Gorgonzola to have with broccoli and peas on tagliatelle.

8. Researched possible trips using NY 20% discount offer with Explore.

I’m looking forward to catching up with Jo at 6 - she’s waiting for breast cancer results.

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