Watching the Sunset

Who knows why the starlings gather in this tree, not the neighbouring one, to watch the sunset and suddenly they are gone?!

We started putting out the Parkrun course this morning and then discovered how icy the paths were, ummed and aahed for a bit, the hardier fellrunners amongst us happy to run on them, those a bit more risk averse thinking of the ordinary folks in their pumps and the older volunteers venturing out.  Decision was to cancel so then it was a busy fifteen minutes or so getting the message out to those on social media, those not, making sure we didn't forget Maureen, posting it on the website.  Sadly we still had a fair number of folks turn up who didn't get the message, but thankfully all understood and thanked us for coming out and waiting till it was start time.

Bev and I retraced our steps home, I enjoyed my coffee and the fact I didn't have to process several hundred runner blips, then I set to on some more wallpaper stripping and that's where I've passed the remainder of the afternoon until I was tidying away and spotted the starlings.

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