If you look at my extra. That's what the jedi has been dressed as the whole week. In the house and out. That was at Xander's football this morning.
Before we went out for lunch I tried to fix our windscreen wiper. Turns out that it's a bigger job than I can do. Something has slipped in the motor. And our car needs to go to the garage on Monday as it is as the engine ( amber) warning light came on yesterday.
We all had a lovely lunch together. Food was ok, nothing to write home about but all the wildlings got on great. Another milestone for the jedi. I normally put him in a high chair and today was the first time he actually sat in a proper seat . He did brilliantly.
We're not long home as we had to nip out and about.
A adventure will happen tomorrow. My neighbour is bringing her granddaughter to join our antics.
I have always thought that the Jedi and Harp are very similar, but looking at the photo of him and Lincoln they look like little clones .
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