Still Rockin'

By RockArea

BishFest 2013

I've just got back from our gig at the Village Festival and I'm buzzing from the excitement of it. We did two sets with a new and loud band between them. The first set was difficult because we weren't getting the right level from the monitors. I was confident that what the audience were hearing was good but it's difficult to work when you can't hear yourself properly. The second band are newly formed and very good indeed. They played for a slightly younger crowd and went down very well. I have to admit I was a little anxious about following them.

Our second set started with a melodic number by the Eagles and the change in mood worked well for us. The sound in the monitors was much improved and with the daylight gone the stage lights really started to make us look good. As we got into the Rock'n'Roll and the crowd pleasers like 'Mustang Sally' the audience were up and with us all the way.

Anyhow, here's my pal Jim and I, and a pic taken by Lady Marian (who's not very confident with a DSLR).

Hope you've had a great night too.


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