Today was my last day in 'blip wonderland' where there seemed to be a wealth of things to photograph. I was visiting my daughter's home near Traverse City, MI on wooded lakefront property so there were plenty of natural subjects just asking to be blipped. While sitting on a nearby rock, this little chipmunk quietly watched me - I was focusing up in the trees for a bird, when all I needed to do was look down. When I finally noticed him, he gave me an opportunity of just two quick shots before he disappeared. Guess he wasn't into personal attention.

Check out today's other 'finds' on Flickr. They include a lovely purple flower that has an unusual feathery center; a fuzzy caterpillar that looks as though after washing her hair, she can't do a thing with it; and last, but not least, a fragile dragonfly whose parts look so mechanical that he might have been fashioned after a helicopter (the other way around, I'm sure).

I had a wonderful time this week, and now that I'm getting into photography, searching for subjects to photograph added another fun dimension to my trips up north. It certainly helps to be visiting someone who can teach me lots more about how to use a camera (and computers and Blip). There's so much I don't know - but I know more than I did a week ago!

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