River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: High Tide Flood Alert …

… which was the last thing on my mind as I took this photo early this morning - 
https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/flood-alert-issued-long-stretch-28447148 - think everything was ok hereabouts.

A very chilly 3°C and stiff breeze all day, fed the birds 4 times and gave them clean drinking/bathing water.

MrD had gone down to visit his friends at the hydro electric power station and to pick up spare parts for his older motorbike. He’s busy since he’s been home doing some maintenance on our heating system.

Heard an owl hooting when I went outside around 6pm after clearing up after dinner, so glad they are still here with us :-))

ADDED LATER: tonight’s films, “10 Years of Benidorm” and “Faster” - both excellent and entertaining in completely different ways!

Love and hugs to all my family XXXX XXX XX

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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