Here Comes the Bride

Sing it with me...Here comes the bride.....(that's the only part I know.)

11:30 at night, and we just got back to our hotel. The bride and groom left at 9 p.m., but we stayed behind and helped break down, and then helped unload at another location.

The father walking his daughter down the "aisle" is our former minister. If you look at his face, he is also hooked up to do the ceremony today.

I give him a lot of credit. I couldn't perform that ceremony for my daughter. W-A-Y too emotional. But, he handled himself well.

The wedding was "dry." In other alcohol. Since we don't drink anyway, it didn't matter much to us, but it does tend to clear out the crowd quicker. one ends up falling on the dance floor.

Off to bed, up to our friends church, and then headed for home. As they say down here..."See ya'll later."

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