
Berry College in Rome, Georgia is known for quite a few things, but only 3 interested me today.

1. By acreage, it is the largest campus in the United States. (Maybe the world?) 30,000 acres.

2. It has the 2nd largest water-wheel in the United States. (Maybe the world?) 42 feet high. It was constructed by the students in 1930.

3. The guy who told me about the college said it was the only place in the United States (maybe the world?) where the deer outnumbered the students.

Deer were everywhere. Big ones, little ones, bucks, does, and fawns. Since my Flickr stuff is messing up on my laptop, I think I'll post a few dear deer shots tomorrow night. It is late now...almost 11 p.m. We have driven all afternoon, and are still 400 miles from home.

Hope to catch up on the morrow.

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