From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

The Big Questions / New Boots

I was watching the Big Questions on BBC 1 this morning wondering why the guy with the pony tail in the front row was wearing a red dressing gown (gaping slightly) and had a medallion. He was putting me off my Coco Pops! I'm not sure what his point was. Actually, I don't think I wanted to know... Arrrggghhh! His name is Kevin and he's a pagan. Nicky Campbell didn't speak to him long anyway, clearly put off by the dressing gown, pony tail and medallion too. Oh well....

I am a great one for spoiling the present time by worrying about something in the future which may or may not happen. I had that problem yesterday when I was suddenly gripped by an irrational fear after a sudden inner revelation - not the sort of revelation from Kevin in his red dressing gown - but a 'penny has dropped moment' followed by self doubts, fear of the future and a certainty that there would be nothing good. I can't describe it any better without revealing all which I won't do. After a night of troubled sleep, I have decided to take a deep breath and get on with it. I'll take what comes. After all, no one can predict the future. I could be run over by a bus tomorrow and then all my worries about a gloomy day in the future would be pretty pointless, wouldn't it?

Onto brighter things, my glamorous assistant Bony has kindly modelled a new boot for me for today's Blip on condition he can have my old ones. He isn't worried about squeaking...

Track? Well, there aren't any clips of the Rolling Stones playing this but I did find it on put to a series of pictures. Click on the 'play' button in the middle of the box not the preview one at the top. It's my favourite track and is my ringtone and alarm music. The most underplayed most marvellous Stones track ever - Time Waits For No One

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