Happy Daze

By Dazed


There's no story behind this, I just really enjoyed a nice summery walk home from work and snapped these leaves by the park in my street. It was only marred by having to go to the dreaded B&Q to pick up some alum/alan/alun (I don't know and I don't care) keys in the hope that we can actually change our tyre tomorrow. Stupid car *sulk*.

Mr D is out at band practise so I've been sitting playing Scrabble online and feeling less and less inclined to cook myself anything to eat. For some reason though I suddenly sprang into action when I remembered that there was a lone cooked salmon steak in the fridge and am currently cooking some pasta so that I can prepare some salmon pasta salad for our lunches tomorrow. Still going to be cheese on toast for dinner for me though. I can't help being a slothful cook when there's no husband to feed :)

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