Band rehearsal

A poignant time today at our first rehearsal since Chris passed away in November. Looking at where he used to sit and chastise us for playing too quickly or missing the beat or playing the song in what he thought was the wrong key was a sad time for us all.

We did contemplate the possibility of the band not continuing as a result of his death but felt that we owed it to him not to give up and play on in his memory with his presence driving us on.

It was a good practice this afternoon, getting better as we warmed up and got in the groove. We have a couple of gigs in the calendar between now and April. We will probably advertise for new members firstly from the Marmite Ukulele Group of Kent.

Looks like the last cold day for a while. It was -7.2c at 9.00 this morning, clear and sunny and remained so for the whole day with a fine clear sunset with a beautiful colour gradient - I was driving with nowhere to stop. Storm Isha is on its way.

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