
In the weak morning sunshine. The image is much brighter in the original. The yellow flowers really stood out against the darker background.

A gathering southerly wind precedes what is supposed to be very strong winds tomorrow. While Susan was cleaning I was barrowing 10 more loads of mulch to the plot and battening down so that nothing gets blown away in the next 48 hours.

Thank you for your lovely, kind and warm words about continuing with the band. We feel it must be the right thing to do.

As regards the air fryer, I’ll keep you posted. Trying roast potatoes tonight. Anyone who uses an air fryer have any good books, tips or recipes?

There was an interesting post on Blipfoto Facebook page recently suggesting that while we have our own group of followers and people we follow there are hindreds, may be thousands, of other blippers we don’t see. His idea was to visit a few new journals every now and then.

I had a look at the 10 most recent posts- none of whom I had heard of and some were long term blippers of several years standing. Makes you think doesn’t it?

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