Makes me smile

I have a very laid back approach to gardening - basically if it grows and survives the hens it stays. That includes thistles and weeds. I do draw a line with nettles though. This is a little patch of the front border (no risk of hen damage) and it is so pretty. Mostly self sewn and quite pretty always makes me smile when I go past it.

I have been struggling with what to use for our little sewing group. We have to use a photo and recreate the colours in a piece of work. I have been lacking inspiration and then thought about this little bit of the garden. Now to get to work!!

Great cycle ride today, however it was a shame it was so windy and showers forecast as we had hoped to go to a local village show. Instead we settled for a standard 40 mile ride, but because of the frequent showers no photos were taken today on the ride. This was us last year trying to get to the same show. One day the weather will be warm and sunny and we will make it there!

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