
By Annieone

'Bee On My Honeysuckle'.............!

Kitty....."Flippin' flowers again today it Annie??"
Me........"No, actually Kitty it's a bee on one of my flowers"!!!
Kitty......"Aren't they the flyin' things you tell me not to chase round the garden in case they sting me.....what are you taking pictures of them for"???
Me........."Well, Kitty I've always envied other peoples close-up Blips of bees on flowers and I've never managed to get one myself 'til I'm very pleased with it......and that's why I've Blipped it.....OK"!!!
Kitty........"But Annie....what are all my pals going to said you'd Blip me again today and now what will I tell them"???
Me........."the truth Kitty.....that you were nowhere around when I was taking the photos and they'll have to wait 'til tomorrow to see you......."!!!!

Well......we've had a very dreary day today.....that's just now taken up into what's promising to be a lovely evening.....!
I was out taking pictures of my roses in the evening sunshine......when I noticed this bee just over my head and couldn't believe when he stopped on the honeysuckle and didn't fly away at the noise of my camera...
So....I'm afraid the Kitty boy will have to wait to see his pals....
hope they've all had a nice weekend 'tho......!!!
Annie & Kitty x

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