Fallen petals

My Poinsettia plant has been in flower since I got it at the beginning of December, but it is starting to drop a few petals now. Likewise my two Orchids are starting to wilt. They too have been in flower for about three months. 
I played golf today in perfect weather, my usual erratic game, but my partner and I came second so we weren't that bad!
A swim in the pool when I got home, and I then caught up with a couple of episodes of Masterchef. The dogs were expecting a walk, but I had had enough exercise for the day, so they were content with playing ball in the garden. Pumpkin is having a wonderful time pulling out the filling in the fluffy toy she got for Christmas, and I spent ages picking it up....the birds don't seem to like it. I thought they'd love it for their nests.

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