Owl Crag in snowshoes.

We are getting in the swing of being on holiday, taking delight in the changing weatherscapes and the different consistency of the snow each day. No wonder there are so many different terms for snow. Today has been sunny , the snow crispy with a dusting of glitter. The menfolk have enjoyed the sledging slope but I whizzed down more speedily than I liked so tomorrow will be fashioning a new one with a more gentle slope.
It was fun to trek up to Owl Crag in our snowshoes , a hot drink and snack provided by our hosts and then homewards to a blazing fire and homemade soup . It’s very pleasant to be so well looked after . As I write three of us are blipping , how special!
I forgot to add that I took this particular photo to show the frozen sea in the distance which always fascinates me and also to show the snow tracing it’s way along the branches of the trees . We hardly ever see the branches snow coated so it really caught my eye .

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