Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


The hotel we are in has a lot of wall art, tiles and surprisingly a wall for the shower (top right) with great patterns on for the challenge.  Although a Portuguese island, it is so near to Africa that you can see this in the art work.

Although hot again today (24), it was very hazy all day so the sun rays were restricted today.

Poor Lili has been poorly since Monday, being sick (and the other end), so managed to arrange an appointment with the vets today (via an app!).  Our daughter supported the visit with my sister and Lili - appears she has got some “tummy bug” , an anti-sickness injection, some digestive balance medication and continue a bland diet for a couple of days.  Hopefully this will do the trick.  My poor sister has had a bit of a time of it but hopefully all will be ok.


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