An Armchair Globetrotter

Today's image is another in my windowsill series. It was taken in our spare room which, as I'm sure a fairly large majority of my fellow blippers can relate to, is full of junk. In fact there is so much familial detritus in there that we cannot even walk across the floor anymore. This window adjacent display includes a world globe (with its own spider's web - which attests to the fact that we can longer get to the other side of the room), an Eiffel Tower shaped perfume bottle and a toy model of a Columbian bus.
I would love to say this represents my love of travel but unfortunately I'm an absolutely terrible traveller. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea and the destination but just not the bit in between - the admin, the packing, the interminable waiting (especially at airports and train stations)...I could go on. This may well have been coloured by my last two, it must be said not recent, experiences of air and train travel - the first being three hours of metal creaking turbulence on a transatlantic flight and a train journey back from Cornwall which ended up taking over nine hours door to door instead of the scheduled three and a half hours.
Ironically I adore travel programmes on TV. Just some of my recent favourites include Griff's (Rhys Jones) Canadian Adventure, Bill Bailey's Australian Adventure (both on Channel 4), Simon Reeve's wonderful travel documentaries for the BBC, Jane McDonald: Lost In Japan and Ben Fogle's peerless New Lives In The Wild (both on Channel 5) plus the newly minted George Clarke's Adventures in Americana (Channel 4 again). I really am much more of an armchair globetrotter than a real one! It is something I'm determined to rectify - I really do need to be braver and seize the travelling day! Im not entirely a lost travel cause as I'm still thoroughly enamoured of the micro trips which I've documented, rather extensively, on my blip journal.

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