Place: Largo, FL 66/67
Main activity: Sun - bike, around the house
Notes: Woke ~5a and this time couldn't get back to sleep. Finally up and got the bike stuff together (had only pumped tires yest expecting rain and wind this morning - the weather app was pretty off but went nonetheless and got a decent 11.5 mi in tho the first part had cars coming out of all kinds of unexpected places and darker than usual so was not enjoying that and headed to get on the trail - pretty dark there too and could hardly see right at first. Cool gray and breezy, misty and some drops in some parts. Took a shower and did a load of laundry, made coffee and sat to watch the morning shows but could hardly keep my interest. Ate early then decided I wanted to do a meditation - started it 1111a, stayed awake much longer this time but then dozed off somewhere. Later made a batch of strawberry jam and cleaned the awful bathtub again. Watched some shows and then a bit of football. Tired early, mom called - hadn't heard from her in over a week after I texted back about not needing to continue to see random bible books and chapter. Wasn't able to go to sleep early tho with mind going and noise from below.

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