Norwegian Beers

I once had a beer ....

Well, a while ago I had a monthly beer subscription, but packed it in as I decided it had become too expensive. The company closed down though, and passed my details on to another monthly beer outfit. Just before Christmas they gave me an offer I couldn't refuse so I signed up for a couple of months. The price has gone up now to the standard subscription but I decided to carry on for February as a birthday treat, for me that is. I will probably cancel after that.

This is a bit of a cheat for an emergency blip. I had to fish two empty cans out of the recycling. The beer in the glass is actually from Denmark. The glass by the way was a present from daughter#2's in-laws, bought for me when we visited the brewery in Lorsch with them on Christmas Day.

It's been a busy day. We enjoyed the end of the India v England Test Match this morning, what a great win for the boys!

I then did a bit of tidying up in the loft after the solar installation on Friday. It's a bit frustrating as the app connection with the inverter is intermittent so sometimes everything just reads as zeroes. As far as I can see though we haven't drawn any power from the grid since the sun came up this morning. We are running on battery power again now. That got fully charged during the day and we were exporting too.

After lunch we had a Skype catch up with daughter#2. Amongst other things she showed us a super wedding photo album her MIL had done for her. Also a DIY tambourine, a forgotten Christmas present she found, from a couple of years ago. Every home should have one.

More sport afterwards, FA cup, and then crispy duck for tea.

One year ago:
New Socks

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