New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Palace Grounds walkway

What a day.

First things was getting the car to the garage for it's service and MOT.  Then to the office to pick up things we needed for the event today. I've been worried all week about the sound set up as the venue said that there wasn't a way to plug a laptop into the projector and the PA system and we had a number of videos to show.  So I came armed with spare cables and bluetooth speakers and a stomach full of anxiety hoping that I'd remember the music tech course from my college days.

However, once we arrived, it transpired that it was perfectly possible to hook up the laptop to both screen and PA and it was all fine.  The event seemed to go really well, apart from some technical difficulties due to dodgy cables which eventually got sorted.  I was running around setting off videos and music all day and by the end was thoroughly tired and sick of people as I tend to get more introverted the tireder I get.  So to end the day I took a very plesant walk back through the park to watch the birds and enjoy the sunset.  I do like the walkways at Palace grounds with their neat trees and streelights, reminds me a bit of the Netherlands.

Oh and the car was okay, including the slightly bent wheel!

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