Double Shot Mummy


Happy Days

Maple got the 'all clear' from the orthopaedic surgeon today for her feet. She will only wear her boots at night now as a precaution. Her feet still turn in a lttle bit, but it is muscular now as they are hyper-mobile. Structurally they are perfect and are expected to completely straighten as she walks. So she enjoyed her first day in months bootless!
I had to take her back to the doctor yesterday as her chest has become more rattly and she hasn't recovered from her cold. She needs to have a nebuliser for the next three days. Little tyke, wouldn't keep still. By the end of her second session she was nattering away and all smiles though.

We had a lovely swim today. The water needs to be chilled now that the outside temperature is in the very late 30's/early 40's. We were sad to hear our twin friends are leaving Dubai very soon. Dubai is so transient. People come and go all the time.

Oscar and Bailee are very excited about their graduation tomorrow (I am too)! They are singing their special graduation songs and took aaaaaages to go to sleep tonight. I am trying to figure out how to record it/take pics without missing out on the moment! Unfortunately daddy is unable to come. He would love to be there.

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