Frosty, Freezing and Foggy

Millie woke us up this morning. She was ready for breakfast. Everything was covered in frost and the fog was thick. I hurried out to find a blip before the sun melted the frost and burned off the fog. It was hard to select a photo but this one had the most color. I hurried inside to get out of the sub freezing temps. Was I ever glad to sip that first cup of warm coffee and warm my hands with the mug. Hubby and I did several household jobs. Most importantly, we put away all the tubs and boxes that were hauled out of storage so we could do the genealogy project for our German friend. Feels good to have that mess cleaned up. I started gathering the staples we will need for our WV trip. We bring most food home in December when we turn off the heat; we have to restock next visit. We took a small break before heading out to lunch. We found a few paper gift cards that are worth enough that we want to use them up before they are misplaced. Otherwise, the rest of the day is ours. Wishing you a comfy evening. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. “Hot coffee and cold winter mornings are two of the best soul mates who ever did find each other.” -

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