Plus ça change...

By SooB


CarbBoy has been filling a notebook with these drawings lately - sort of Hitler Pig Zombies. Not sure if the headless one-handed body opposite is the HPZ's body, or a different type of zombie. Anyway, they're a bit spooky, but the only thing I chanced on when I realised it was too dark for my usual last minute garden blip.

Busy day, mostly just hacking my hands to bits on bamboo screening. It's mostly up now, thank goodness, and wiped clean of blood.... The rest of the day was spent painting the room my Mam will sleep in so it doesn't look quite so shabby. Also two rather odd conversations with neighbours. One who took me to see a neighbour's garden to tell me that the plants they have (acanthus) would look really good outside my front door (I think he means me to buy my own, rather than nick theirs), and also to tell me that I have to put some weedkiller on the gravel outside my house. The second conversation was with a neighbour who doesn't want me using weedkiller on the gravel outside my house because it's poisonous. Sigh. I felt like bringing them both in for a little tour to show them just how LOW on my priority list their concerns are.

TallGirl brought all her work home tonight - so that's school finished then! On Thursday CarbBoy's class have a day out, so the 'big' class is just going to bring toys in. Friday is the basketball tournament and when I asked about next week she said "That's the last week. NO-ONE does any work in the last week." Parent/teacher meeting with CarbBoy's teacher tonight - she seems very happy with him. He's still struggling in French, but she doesn't seem overly concerned about that since his behaviour is always good and his maths is excellent. She said she could tell he's a smart boy (from his maths) and he just needs to learn some more French. Fair enough.

In other news, CarbBoy - after I'd turned the radio off when yet another story about child abuse came on - sighed and said "Why can't they just have one day where there's no bad news?" I wonder if too much Radio 4 is having an impact on his imagination....

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