
When I came home this afternoon the feeders were quiet, nothing moving outside the window, except the rain/snow mix that was falling. I wondered what was going on. About 15 minutes later this hawk flew by the window, landed in the oak tree for about 30 seconds, then moved to a tree further away. He only stayed there long enough for me to get a couple of photos. The last I saw of him, he was headed eastward.

It took about 30 minutes, then one of the pine warblers ventured out, had a quick snack, then went back to hiding in the tree. About 15 minutes after that the blue jays gave the all clear sign. They let out several squawks and 5 of them descended onto the deck, taking turns at the feeder and the bird pie.

The job today took longer than expected. Quo cosmetics are the store brand for Loblaws, they own both Superstore and Shoppers Drug Mart. SDM, of course, keeps their section tidy and well stocked. Superstore is a whole different story. The store I was at today is a smaller store and Quo is the only brand of cosmetics they carry. I think they only put stock out in the section once a month, and most of the time it doesn't even get tidied. I'm not sure if someone was supposed to do a reline last fall or not, the kit for it had been pushed to the back under the shelves.  Because it had not been done, it meant more work for me today since I had to make changes that should have been done last fall in addition to the changes I was making today.

Weekend plans - shovel snow and clear off truck, repeat every few hours for the next 3 days. We have 30 + cm of snow in the forecast and amounts could be as high as 60 cm.

For the record, Shubenacadie Sam did not see her shadow this morning. We shall see if we get an early spring.

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