Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

DAY TWENTY FIVE (Perth/Freemantle/Doha)

Our last day in OZ. What a great country this is! SO big! SO diverse! And what a terrific holiday we had. Meeting up with old friends, meeting new friends, and no mishaps or illnesses... phew!

Our evening flight meant we had a whole day here, so after we checked out and left our luggage, we took the train to Freemantle. On weekends, it's $10 for a family ticket anywhere - trains, ferries, buses... brilliant value.

The train took about half an hour to get to Freemantle, stopping at every wee station, including Karrakata and Cottesloe, which sounded nice, but t'was Freo that was our destination. Also saw the Freemantle ‘giraffes’ again.

It was not as hot as Perth (nowhere is), but we walked along the main drag, known locally as Cappuccino Street, and indeed there were lots of cafes. Funnily enough, I haven't been having a really good flat white while in OZ (apart from in Sydney) - I think you have to ask (and pay extra for) a double shot, which is now standard in the UK. But I do like their smoothies.

We went into the markets, but it wasn't like Adelaide Central Markets - massive, plenty of space to walk, plenty inviting eateries... eventually found a seat outside, and blow me down, two girls started performing right in front of me, with a microphone and electrified guitar. JUST what I wanted... (NOT) The guitarist sounded like she was playing a different tune to the one the singer chose to warble. We moved on even before I'd finished my smoothie. We passed the silhouettes of the prisoners in ankle chains near the prison, which we didn’t go into…

We came back on the train, had a look around the CBD, JR found an ANZ bank, but we decided to head down to the waterfront area for a late lunch. Said hello to the Roos again… We really fancied just an Aussie Restaurant for a last feast of barramundi and salt & pepper squid, and we found a great place, with its own brewery and a view of the fabulous harbour.

And then... a guitarist and a female singer started up just outside, and they kindly blasted their efforts into the whole restaurant. She mangled so many songs, she'd be half way through before I realised that it was a well known song eg 'Here Comes the Sun'... However, the roasted barramundi on a pea risotto 'cake' with red pepper sauce (NO chips) was delicous.

I got the bus back to the hotel, but JR felt she needed a fast walk.

Now using the Air NZ Business Class Lounge, after floating through security!! We were first - NO beeping X-rays, NO frisking, NO shoes off. NO iPads out, AND they handed me back my brolly at the end! Great airport!

Goodbye Australia. We LOVED you!❤️

PS I've added in a link to more quokkas, which I should have done yesterday, with MUCH better selfies than I got.

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