Beach day

Football first thing for Xander.  It was indoors and they have a cafe so the younger wildlings sat and coloured in and had a treat. 

We decided to go to the beach after for a play and to blow the cobwebs away. Don't let the blue sky fool you. It was blowing a absolute hoolie. But we spent a couple of hours there. 

Mr R and the bigger boys are away seeing grandad.  He's on his 3rd blood transfusion and has had a CT scan. So we will see what's happening.  

Check out my extra of the jedi. You all know he loves to dress up. Harp isn't impressed he's wearing her stuff. 

I'm still barking away like mad. I have been using vicks on my feet at night but I'm not getting much relief this time. I also had to sleep on the jedis floor last night which didn't help. 

My mum is just arriving at my sisters house. We will spend time together tomorrow.  

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