Honky Cat

Nothing to see here. Just a perfectly ordinary cat sitting by the fence. What’s that? The bird table? Nope, didn’t even notice it.
Sorry Mr Cat, but your air of injured innocence is fooling no one. You have a long record of hanging around underneath our bird feeders, hoping to snare something.
No idea where this cat lives, but it regularly strolls through our garden eyeing up the various bird feeders. I’m sure it knows it’s doing wrong because as soon as it sees someone looking, it slinks furtively away. Thankfully, if there are birds on the feeders they usually spot it straight away and fly off, so no damage done.
A low key day today. I went through to Barrow this morning to meet Stu for a coffee, and then Mrs C and I had our hair done this afternoon. A somewhat more involved process for her than me - what little hair I have left merely requires a quick once over with the clippers to restore style and order.
My back is considerably less painful today, so actually looking forward to tomorrow’s PT session now!

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