Clear out

Today was cleaning day. We're a good team. I tidy, dust, wipe, check. Mr B 'Dysons' and mops the bathroom and kitchen.

Fed up of the Covid stash of mineral water stacked behind a door.  Best Buy Dec 2023. So excuse to empty and dispose of the - blipped - bottles.

To Boscombe for bread and a green split pea hunt. None in Sainsbury, Lidl, Aldi, Holland & Barrett, or the Polski Sklebs. By then Mr B was becoming extremely irritated (with me of course) - then luck would have it - found 1 single packet in a Middle Eastern shop. Making pea soup tomorrow. - haven't had for ages.

Just watched Sky Arts 'David Hockney, A Celebration'. Where are my paintbrushes!!?  He's such an inspiration. Hope he still has many years left to paint

Late again, going to bed.

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