An ‘inside job’

After breakfast we set about getting the curtains down ready for collection. Pretty straight forward except for the grub screws on two of the poles were in about the most inaccessible location you could hope for and it was a fiddle to get the allen key in by feel alone so a ten minute job turned into half an hour!
She said she will have them back in a day or two, so we decided not to put the finials back in place and just left them on the sill for now.

Once the rain had stopped we went dog walking. I dropped in my name and address to a neighbour following a suggestion from my u3a meeting earlier in the week, as this lady does a couple of zoom photography groups. Her car was not on the drive, so I left the note through her door.

A little while ago she called round to say hello and introduce herself, just in case I wanted to join the session tomorrow morning. It seems the Monday one is mostly technical and involves editing on photoshop, in realtime and critique on the images, but the Friday afternoon session seems more general, so she will send me a link to the next one of those for me to try out.

From what she said, I think these seem to be a spin off break away group from the local camera club / photographic society that started up in Covid. She also goes to camera club each week, but I don’t think I am ready for that at the moment.

Whilst we were out, Amazon delivered the book Callum ordered yesterday. He is doing very well with his book collection and wanted to try this new (to him) author - but both of us were surprised at how thin the book is. Shouldn’t take him long to read it!!

Think that’s it for today, Pilates booked for the morning, then off to get my feed done at a place called ‘podology’ - and I only mention that because I think it’s a great name for a foot treatment shop :-)

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