Living my dream

By Mima

Heft on my hill

Bean's bottom was being buzzed by a fly this afternoon. It kept landing on her just when she relaxed and snoozed. In the end she moved location to get some peace.

Plum-bum struck at 4 o'clock this morning: there was an urgent request from Bean to go outside. However, she hasn't made any connection whatsoever between her increased need to download and vacuuming up plums from beneath the trees whenever possible. Sigh.

I have been a bit distant from Blip for a few days, not only because of my friend's visit. There has been a delicate email conversation going on between me and a loved one, about a slight misunderstanding which we both wanted to clarify and discuss. 

I find it incredibly difficult to make my written words reflect the intonations that my voice would impart. We have had to communicate by email for privacy reasons. It's been time-consuming and brain-consuming, and we have exchanged several emails, but we have now come to a natural and mutual satisfactory conclusion. It's a relief.

It has reminded me once again just how easily the written word can be misinterpreted. We write with our own intent, and the recipient can read it quite differently. Carefully choosing every word and its neighbour has been my challenge this weekend and I'm delighted that I've succeeded. 

Our final exchange included the words " are increasingly heft on your hill..." which were intended (and received) as a compliment. I'm no sheep, but I do know where my home is.

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