
By fennerpearson

Devil's Bridge

In my experience, if you're not *wild* about dogs, then dog lovers assume you don't like them at all. But, actually, I find that I''m quite genuinely ambivalent about dogs. I find them a pain in the butt around the house for the most part but I do enjoy walking with a dog.

Dan and Abi's mum acquired a dog, Jessie, last Friday, and on Sunday Dan suggested that we walk her together. So, we set off from the house to walk down to the river.

When I was young I can remember that when we were walking together it was more comfortable for me to hold my mum's arm rather than her hand, and she always used to say "It's all right, officer, I'll come along quietly." Just recently, Dan has been doing the same to me: see here.

Anyway, we got down to the Jubilee Fields next to the river and Jessie had a run about while Dan and I talked about Man Of Steel and Doctor Who, ant then we went down to the banks by the river. and I took this picture of Devil's Bridge.

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