
I enjoy a quiet day at home. I had been planning on going for a walk this morning but T asked if I could wait in for a delivery as he was playing golf. I was happy to do so, not least because it was pouring.  T came back soaked.

Instead I worked on the short talk I will be giving to my u3a history group next week. Its on Gaelic in Perthshire and I've decided to focus on the many myths and legends set nearby.  Many of them involve Na Sìthean (fairies but not as we know them) and tales of people coming across them, thinking they've spent a pleasant evening and coming back thus next morning to find that years have passed, Apparently this is the origin of the saying "away with the fairies". This got me wondering what was behind these tales which took me down a rabbit hole and lead me to a book on "Celtic Myths That Shape The Way We Think" which explores this. Reader, I ordered it. 

I also did some Gaelic revision and then had the first of my practice conversations with one of my class mates - we decided to meet in pairs, coming together and then swapping partners every three or four weeks.  It was really good - I and J spoke (in Gaelic) for thirty minutes ! 

I also made carrot soup with lemon, ginger, cumin and corriander for lunch. It was blasta and am trying a new chickpea dish tonight with tumeric, more ginger and coconut mill. I have also added some roasted buttenut squash. 

My photo has nothing whatsoever to do with any of this. I came across the container in my (slow) decluttering and decided it would be perfect for the felt wool balls I got as part of a needle-felting pack I got before Christmas. 

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