Friday Food

Apparently Friday night is pizza night and since they all eat sourdough pizza, and people say I'm a sourdough nerd, it seemed a good match.
The good thing about pizza is that everyone can choose their own toppings so it suits families with food sensitivities, and children whose tastes change often! A slight problem for me is that I bake sourdough bread, and have baked pizza, but never a sourdough pizza!
However, that is what Internet is for and after a little searching I found a recipe that looked good, relatively simple, and could be baked in 12 hours.  A lot of the volume came from sourdough starter excess and I had enough of this in the fridge. As instructions it lacked how to stretch your pizza dough and baking temperatures and times (short, and as hot as the oven will go!) but that info is available on other videos.
I made a double batch, which filled two of these oven pans. The results were very successful and everyone went home full of pizza, with a little over for snacks tomorrow.
I felt it was time for a change from snowy blips, but couldn't resist one extra of the snow. It shows Rikard in action clearing our snow. It took him 4 trips like the one photographed to just clear up to our parking space. Between there and the house was at least another 4 trips.  There's been a lot of snow today, but because we have had so much snow earlier in the season it is getting harder to find places to dump the snow.
We did all the usual snow-clearing jobs as well today - kayak tent, down to cellar, around cars, the final section to the front door, and up to Betty's. We got a lot of help from our visitors, especially Chris. Arthur joined in a bit too but he wasn't 100% today. Freja seems to be finding her snow legs, toddling around on the snow today, but at only 18 months old seems a bit young to put a shovel in her hands and tell her to clear snow! Jess's version of the white gym was looking after the kids while we cleared, which sometimes involved carrying them both at the same time, possibly heavier work than we were doing!
PS The white gym calls again!
As I finish writing there is a whoosh, a roar, and a long deep thump from outside, through the window just behind me. That's the snow sliding off the roof and means another digging job tomorrow to get into the cellar!

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