Capital adventures

By marchmont

Saturday sunrise

The sun is appearing to move more to the NE for sunrise than it did when I arrived.  The weather which has been hot is forecast to stay fine till end of April but they are forecasting an early start to the haze as that has created very try conditions across Indonesia. 

It was an odd kind of day.  I didn't sleep well, a bit of worry and anxiety but following J's info I did manage to reactive my Skype account, £6.32 in credit.  By the time I went across to HK at 10 Mei Mei and Wen had already gone to gymnastics.  Olivia didn't want to go to the pool so we played cards games.  I've finally cracked Unstable Unicorns.  #1 son did go to the pool about 11 but It was well after 1 before WH and Amelia returned.  There had been a Lion Dance at Plaza Damas.  

Then I went to the pool and spent 4 hours bobbing in the water talking to #1, A (dad from Turra', Chinese Malaysian mother) and later his wife (Tamil Malaysian). We covered a range of topics.  It was cloudy and cooler by the time we came up after 5.  WH and the girls were at art.

Retrieved the cake and we had curry and cake for dinner. Then J phoned so we all spoke to Mum who sounded fine but is definitely a bit bashed and bruised but she liked talking to the girls.  

Before they settled down to watch Moanna there was a discussion about the Sunway Lagoon trip, scheduled for Monday.  WH wants to go there for Mei Mei's birthday in 3 weeks but she wants a party.  I'm leaving it to them to sort.  Thanks to Andy we have other suggestions for places to go. 

I came back to my cool eyrie and did another bit of the grant application.  It's more detailed than some of the others, but I'll get there.

The extra is of the other end of the day, day 8 CMY fireworks, Hokkien New Year's Eve. From my bedroom. 

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