Taid meets Lili

Thank you so much for the wonderful blip welcome you gave baby Lili yesterday - so kind of you! 

We met our little granddaughter last night when Daniel and Solveig brought her home from hospital - and of course we instantly fell in love with her! 

Solveig was keen to get home rather than spending the night in hospital, so after copious tests and checks, they eventually arrived home to a meal prepared by us - the least we could do for them. 

First cuddles are very precious -  those tiny eyes seemingly looking straight at you, and inevitably there’s the inane conversation between grandparent and granddaughter. There’s the examination of those miraculous tiny fingers and toes - and in Lili’s case, it reveals more than most. She’s passed her ‘fitness’ tests with flying colours, but the hospital noticed she has the hereditary condition of syndactyly and has two fingers on each hand still webbed - similarly her toes. Both G and his mum have the webbing on their toes, as does Simon, but this is the first time we’ve seen it appear on fingers. Not that you’d notice unless there’s a very close examination - but at some point, little Lili will need surgery to separate them. 

Today has been a very quiet day - I must admit I’m shattered - though nothing like the tiredness of the little family over in Meols with Lili reluctant to sleep. Solveig’s mum has flown over from New York to spend the week there - so we will stand down from any support duties till she returns. 

I’m sure you’ll forgive me for blipping shots I took last night. My main’s the proud grandfather - or Taid as G will be known, adopting the Welsh title. I’ve opted to be Nanna rather than Nain as it’s the ‘grandma’ title in my family.  And of course there a couple of Lili extras!

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