
This morning was sunny, and the Harriers' "Pensioners" had been planning a run in the hills for the afternoon. I wondered about going with them, but I'm not in good enough hill condition to run at their pace yet. I want to get back running as I did, so I extended Django's walk in to a trip up into the Pentlands. The first grassy climb was so wet that I'd have struggled for grip, even if I'd had the strength to run. Once on the tops, I joined a much younger guy who looked inexperienced, and managed to keep pace with him overall by running faster than him downhill, and walking a little slower uphill. It gave me the kick to push myself, and I felt encouraged. As well as being very muddy in the wet bits, it was also surprisingly windy. After four tops, I could tell that I'd done enough, so we dropped down to return home through Penicuik. Django was filthy (see extra).

Back home, I relaxed, had a short, deep sleep, and then went to buy something to cook as United's match kicked off. When I checked my phone at Lidl just a few minutes later, they were 2-0 up. It was 2-1 when I got home and, amazingly, that was it for the rest of an action-packed match.

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