Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Book friends.

I had a text from the library this morning, although I didn't know what book was awaiting me, as I hadn't ordered any. When I got there, I looked on the reserved shelf, and couldn't find anything for me. When I asked at the desk, they gave me the book that Andrea had put away for me (she had just read it) and they said , she has left you a message inside ( see extra)  She is off for a few day's so I will thank her when I see her next. When I got back, Doris Dyson was waiting, and she wasn't amused . A cup of tea before she started put her in a better mood. It almost feels Spring like, but that's due to change on Thursday. Never mind,  I washed our woolen jumpers, and also our jeans, which are drying nicely on the line. A very constructive day, so I am happy.

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