
By pattons6

Chocolate? Nope not me, not seen it.

Well, I was up early again this morning so I went for a cuddle with mummy and daddy. I then went back to my own cot for a couple of hours. Once up mummy and I went on a bus again. I really like the bus as I get to chat to mummy and lots of people talk to me too.

We were in to get mummy a couple of bits for holiday. She said something about getting there and that she needed some new clothes as the ones she has are too big. I got some new jammies though. Oh and cow slippers.

I then went to visit grandma at her work. I really like it there, I get to play with the phone, keyboard, crawl about the floor and wave at everyone. I cried when mummy took me away.

The best but today though was trying chocolate for the first time and I love, love, love it! I kept on putting my hand out for more. Mummy said 3 small stars where enough but she had a whole bag so why can't I have them all? Tomorrow my mission is to find them and eat them.

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