Hellebores in the garden this morning.

It was a wet start to the day but cleared up sufficiently around 4:00pm to reveal patches of blue sky and snatches of low sunlight.
I took this photo after breakfast.
Once again not long after I’d drawn back the patio window curtains the Great Spotted Woodpecker was on the fatball feeder, and no way was he letting the Shebbies shift him!
He saw me, of course!, as soon as I got my camera.
Two squirrels, one of whom was a young one I guess from last year’s broods who was figuring out how to access the fatball feeder by the garage.
Our pair of robins, coal tits and blue tits as usual along with the Dunnock pair. Spring is definitely in the air for them!
Pilates after lunch. Our friend is coming for her dinner this evening after work as we had the family here yesterday for tea,
It’s too late for me to eat then, so I’ll be having mine before 6:00pm.

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