
I had planned to go for a walk at Shubie Park today after I finished a couple of merchandising jobs but the rain had started so I stopped for a few minutes at Sullivan's Pond. Most of the ducks that were there, other than the mallards were too far away for photos. I would have had to put my cleats on to get around to the other side to get a better view of them. The crows were making a lot of noise, but I didn't see anything to cause it. While I was standing there watching the mallards, all of a sudden they all took off and landed out in the water. I walked back to the truck and just as I got there an eagle landed on the ice. When I turned, I realized there were 2 eagles there and one of them had a gull for lunch. The 2 ducks that were swimming close by didn't seem to be bothered by the eagles. That's why the crows were making such a fuss, the eagles were in their territory.

I added the northern flicker in the extras today. A cat would have to be stupid to want to mess with that beak and those claws. The neighbor's cat was on the deck this morning and was ready to attack the flicker when I saw him. When I opened the door, the cat took off. I may have to have a chat with the neighbor and suggest he keep his cat inside. It was spending a lot of time on my deck till we had the snow. Now he is getting around again. I wondered why I had not seen many small birds for the past few days, and that's the reason. I see a lot of footprints in the snow.

I talked to the manager for CI this morning, and she said she could delay a couple of the jobs for next week, since the stores don't have the sidewinders yet. I told her that it would work for me, it would make my life easier. I sent off an email to the MCA crew to say I could reschedule the missed reline for Monday if I had one helper and then on Tuesday, I would need 2 helpers and we can go back to Bridgewater. So that is all set for next week.

It's raining this evening, and there is a rainfall warning out, we could get 25 - 50 mm of rain by tomorrow afternoon. Then a couple of hours after the rain stops, the temperature will drop. As a result of the forecast, the city has given notice that they will pull the buses off the road at 1 pm tomorrow, with an update at 10 am. This has a lot of people upset, wondering how they will get to and from work tomorrow.

I talked to my real estate agent this week, and she found out that both mini homes I am interested in have an accepted offer. She did increase the price range, so I should start getting an email when one comes on the market now.

I am going to have to spell out some rules for the roommate. Like, take your boots off at the door, so I don't have to clean his muddy boot prints off the floor every day. He used to do that, now he wears his boots downstairs. Also, he is going to have to make an effort to keep the laundry room floor clean, it's a shared area, but he uses it more than I do. He has to go thru the laundry room to get to his room and to get to his bathroom. I really don't want to have a roommate any more.

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