
By Legacy


Another spectacular pacific northwest sunset. Always a dependable source of blips and always amazing to watch.

I thought the day was going to be a total loss because the little dears visiting upstairs started off the morning with more running, jumping and added some crying for a special effect. Fortunately, I had to leave for work so I couldn't enjoy the rest of the morning's entertainment (thank heavens). And speaking of work, I had an absolutely lovely day and finshed a big project that I've been trying to get to for quite sometime. What a nifty feeling.

When I got home I was a bit worried because the little dears were still upstairs but they soon left to go to the airport. And silence prevailed. I had an amazing dinner with baby potatoes (dug from the earth barely 10 hours ago) and some fresh peas picked this morning and shelled by my own hand, with fresh strawberries for dessert (and I mean fresh). You would think I planted, weeded and harvested it all by myself for how smug I was over the whole meal. Love this time of year!

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