Happy birthday

Last Wednesday was Hannah's birthday, and this evening we had a family party for her, starting off with drinks at her place.

There was a great turnout: both the miniMinx and Dan were back from uni for reading week, Abi came across from Sheffield, Milly down from Leeds, and my brother, Wol, was up from London. Plus, of course, me, Charlie, and the Minx were in attendance. 

We had dinner at The Foundry, which was the perfect venue for a good evening of food and drink, and loads of laughs: they are a very funny crowd. 

Also of note today: a run with Hannah, this morning, a coffee with Simon at his studio, and also coffee with a chap called Chris, whom I first met on Twitter many years ago, back in the days when it was fun and entertaining. 

Last year, he set up a project called Team75Live, which raises money for WarChild. My company provides the website although we keep it quiet for a couple of reasons: firstly, I can't keep doing free work, so I don't want to advertise that, and also it has - inevitably - morphed wildly beyond its initial brief and I don't think it's ended up looking that good. 

That said, and although it might not be obvious, it's a highly accessible website (unlike 97% of websites: fact), and also it has raised £75k for WarChild so far, so that outweighs all my reservations!

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