Life through the lens...

By ValC


Our son was looking after his grandson, Jude, this afternoon and so they called round for couple of hours.
It was a joy to see Jude. As well as the toys he always makes a beeline for the oranges / clementines which I have in a dish by the kitchen door. I tied a tea towel round him as they were so juicy. Didn’t want him to get it on his jumper.
We had a nice cuddle as he sat on my knee reading a Thomas book.
Put everything away before he left.
He thought he was going to the park, but I’m afraid it was beginning to get dark and so will be disappointed.

They have just left as we need to get ready to go out this evening.
A is picking us up in half an hour as we are going to their house for dinner tonight.
Taxi back so we can have a glass or two( may be three!)

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