Uh Oh

Thank you so much for all you kind and warm wishes regarding Robert and Finola which I will send on. Having learnt a bit more, I can say that they were extremely lucky to have survived, Their new electric car, which is a write off, actually called the emergency services who responded incredibly quickly. Finola has been discharged and is resting with family, whilst Robert is still in hospital. Both are black and blue but will hopefully make full recoveries. 
With all that on our minds, it was nice to meet up with Hannah, our ex house sitter, for a pizza in a place recently opened in Durrus. It was very pleasant with good pizzas and I even managed a lemon posset for pudding and then couldn't move. Hannah came round this morning bearing bags of horse poo - perfect for the polytunnel. The day being dry, I have been working away in the garden - so much to be done!  And the gunnera is on the move - uh oh! 

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