Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Another vet visit…

The decision was made this morning: We have to get Archie's wee lump sorted - ie cut off. As soon as possible. The tee shirt was a temporary measure to see if it would clear up. But it hasn't. Or at least, it won't, because he just licks it obsessively if it's exposed. And he's so unsettled at night because of it - he runs around the house, and can't settle anywhere for long. 

And so I rang the vet to arrange it for next week. Tuesday was offered, but we're going out to a concert on Tuesday evening, so I took the Friday appointment. We then decided that we couldn't wait that long with him not sleeping (he sleeps during the day OK), so we took the Tuesday date. And Elizabeth has agreed to come and sit with him here that evening, I'm sure he'll just be dozy.

The tee shirt JR got yesterday isn't quite the right shape, I couldn't get it on him without breaking a front leg... so actually the football shirt is the best one. 

We had a walk round the Links this morning, and in the afternoon, JR took him a big walk to Braidburn Valley Park while I watched the rugby. And yes! Scotland won the Calcutta Cup (Scotland v England, the oldest rugby trophy in the world) for the fourth time in a row, something that hasn't happened for many decades.

Archie and JR happened to pass the Morningside Gallery on the way home, and who should be in there, enjoying a glass of fizz, but Hazel, at some sort of shindig. JR and Archie were invited in, and I think one of them also enjoyed a glass of fizz. Archie was then dropped off home to see the end of the match, while JR popped over see Hazel's latest purchase. Another glass of fizz was enjoyed. Or maybe two...

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