Day 500!

It's hard to believe that today is my 500th consecutive day of blipping, and what better way to celebrate that at the beach with my two favourite girls - even more so as it was Scarlett's first ever visit to the beach.

I'd originally planned to write 500 in the sand, but the other day I saw lots of pebbles so decided I'd use those instead. It was easier said than done! Firstly, when we went this morning there were hardly any pebbles so we had to start gathering what we could find along the beach. At the same time Louis was running everywhere and digging in the sand, but when he saw the pebbles he thought we were collecting them for him and started trying to run off with them. Then once I started making the 500, the tide came in and washed them away!

I had one final attempt a bit further away from the sea and this is the end result, which is made better by the fact that my girls are stood at the edge of the sea.

As I've said before, Blip is a great community and I'd like to thank you all for your friendship - I've enjoyed getting to know you by your journals, and also getting to meet some of you. Once we're back from holiday we only have a matter of weeks before we move back to the UK, and I've already got plans to meet up with a few more Belgian/Dutch blippers. Then once we've moved to Brighton, I'm looking forward meeting some UK blippers :-)

I'd also like to thank those of you who have carried on commenting on my journal while I'm away and am unable to reply due to my limited internet connection. I will catch up with your journals once I'm back in Belgium.

Anyway time to get back to our holiday - Scarlett's having her morning nap and then we're all going to walk into town as Scott wants to have a look at the shops, and we might stop off at the beach too.

Have a good day!

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