A manky old rubber bone

Today it was lovely and sunny so off we went on another big long walk. We walked all the way to Cramond via the cycle routes shared pathways and then we walked all the way from Cramond to Newhaven. As soon as I got onto the beach at Cramond I found a manky old rubber bone. Yay!  I don't like manky old rubber bones as much as manky old balls but sometimes I don't have a choice in the matter. I didn't find one single manky old ball today.

Our walk today was 10.79 miles so by the time we got to the tram stop we were both very tired. When I got onto the tram I immediately put down my manky old rubber ball and fell fast asleep. I was in such a deep sleep that I didn't even notice Ann picking it up and putting it in her pocket and when it was time to get off the tram Ann had to wake me up.

Do you think she's walking me too much? Having said that, when I was off my lead I was running around a lot and if I was too tired I wouldn't be doing that would I?

We got off the tram at Princes Street and then we had to get a bus home. Again I just curled up and went to sleep. In fact the lady who sat down next to us didn't even realise I was there at first. It wasn't until she started stroking me and talking to me that I woke up. Then I decided that she must like me so I went into licky mode. Fortunately she thought I was the best little Collie pup ever. She said there was no way that her dog would behave so well on a bus. Ann felt like the proudest Collie pup mummy ever. She just takes it for granted now that I will behave well on public transport, but when she first started taking me on buses I wanted to make friends with everyone who got on the bus.

I'm 5 years old now and Ann is always telling me that my training is on-going. She says, 'You're never too old to learn Trixie.' Seriously?!!! When I think of all the things that I have learnt since Ann adopted me; I think I'm pretty much perfect. Mmmmmm.................. Ocassionally I still do silly puppy jumping up at people AND I bark at animals on TV. When I bark at animals on TV, Ann says, 'NO' in a really stern voice and then she says, 'Trixie, go in your bed'. I go in my bed but then I usually do a little woof under my breath, to show that I'm not happy about it. Ann asked our downstairs neighbour if she ever heard me woofing, but apparently she doesn't, so I suppose that's something?!!

Anyway, after my big long walk, we were both tired, so have been mainly snoozing for the rest of the afternoon. Need to conserve our energy because tomorrow we are meeting up with Blipper, 'Edisteve', and going to a beach that we've never been to before. Yay! Watch this space!

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